

The city


Turin, with its 14 km of Porticos, is one of the most fascinating and mysterious cities in Italy. Its magic consists of its fusion of arts, history and vanguard.

Under its layer of Savoyard rigour, there is a pulsating vivacity and vitality which not only amaze, but literally enchant the visitor: baroque buildings and futuristic architecture, antique art collections and international film exhibitions, the Egyptian Museum, which is the second most important in the world for its archaeological exhibits, and sports teams of global renown.

The tradition of Italy's first capital lives on in the old cafés and restaurants in the city centre. A complex of industries and world class higher education institutions make Turin one of the most important technological and scientific centres in Italy. The winter Olympics of 2006 also brought Turin into the global spotlight.

Domande frequenti

Borse di studio
Curabitur faucibus, ante eu fermentum egestas, metus dolor efficitur mauris, non ultrices purus est sit...
Carta di Soggiorno
Curabitur faucibus, ante eu fermentum egestas, metus dolor efficitur mauris, non ultrices purus est sit...
La città e le attività ricreative
Curabitur faucibus, ante eu fermentum egestas, metus dolor efficitur mauris, non ultrices purus est sit...
La città e le attività ricreative
Curabitur faucibus, ante eu fermentum egestas, metus dolor efficitur mauris, non ultrices purus est sit...

About us

  • sheIt's the cheerful, friendly atmosphere that I like. A warm welcome - and by name! Everytime! It’s what helps to make me feel a part of the school and not just another number in the cash register!

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  • I arrived in Torino in September 2009. Not my first time in this gem of a city. Had spent several months there previously, but never found the energy to take formal Italian lessons.

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Programmi speciali

Corsi Culturali
Non si può imparare l’italiano a Torino senza approfondire la conoscenza della città,
Corsi d'arte
Non si può imparare l’italiano a Torino senza approfondire la conoscenza della città,
Splendida Torino
Non si può imparare l’italiano a Torino senza approfondire la conoscenza della città,


Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di Torino