
Marco Polo and Turandot

The Marco Polo and Turandot Projects

The Marco Polo and Turandot Projects allows Chinese students who do not speak Italian to obtain an Italian entry visa to enrol at an Italian university, provided they first attend an Italian language course for 10 or 11 months.
The students attaining a level B1 certification or higher at the end of such a course will possess the language requirement to enrol at their chosen Italian University.
Candidates wishing to enrol on an Italian language course must complete a pre-enrolment process at the Italian Embassy in China by the end of August. On their pre-enrolment applications, candidates must specify the Italian University where they wish to enrol for their degree programme and the school they wish to attend their Italian language course.
To enrol on a degree course, students need to contact the Foreign Students office (Ufficio Stranieri) of their chosen University. Undergraduate students will be issued a statement of achievement only if they have passed the “Gao Kao” examination with a score of at least 400/750.
CiaoItaly provides a reception service and Italian language courses designed for the specific needs of students wishing to enrol at an Italian University. Lessons are taught by native speakers with expertise in the teaching of Italian to Chinese students. The school also offers many recreational activities which allow students to get to know the city of Turin and practise their Italian outside the classroom as much as possible. So as to offer the best possible courses, we guarantee a maximum of 14 students per class.

Italian 1
Length of course: 10 months (40 weeks, 25 lessons per week)
Number of lessons 1000
Start date: 4 November 2024
End date: 22 August 2025

Intensive Italian language Course (900 lessons) + Language-and-Culture Course “Culture and Society” (100 lessons)
Timetable: 5 lessons per day, 5 days a week.
The course also includes a section on the language specific to the various University courses, very useful to prepare Chinese students to the more technical degree courses, and based on the degree courses chosen by the students in the group.
The “Culture and Society” course is based on topics relevant to Italian society and culture and aims to facilitate the students’ integration and social interaction, as well as their future integration into their chosen degree course.
At the end of the course, an examination will allow students to receive a certificate attesting as to the language level attained. CEFR levels B1 or B2 are required to enrol at an Italian University. Students may also receive the official CILS certificate of knowledge of Italian, at levels B1 o B2.

Cost: 6,200.00€ + 100.00€ enrolment fee (learning materials).


Marco Polo e Turandot

Progetti Marco Polo
& Turandot
Learn Italian in
Italian 2
Length of course: 11 months (44 weeks, 25 lessons per week)
Number of lessons 1100
Start date: 7 October 2024
End date: 22 August 2025

Intensive Italian language Course (1.000 lessons) + Language-and-Culture Course “Culture and Society” (100 lessons)
Timetable: 5 lessons per day, 5 days a week.
The course also includes a section on the language specific to the various University courses, very useful to prepare Chinese students to the more technical degree courses, and based on the degree courses chosen by the students in the group.
The “Culture and Society” course is based on topics relevant to Italian society and culture and aims to facilitate the students’ integration and social interaction, as well as their future integration into their chosen degree course.
At the end of the course, an examination will allow students to receive a certificate attesting as to the language level attained. CEFR levels B1 or B2 are required to enrol at an Italian University. Students may also receive the official CILS certificate of knowledge of Italian, at levels B1 o B2.

Cost: 6,700.00€ + 100.00€ enrolment fee (learning materials).

Further Information
Lessons last 45 minutes.
Attendance to lessons is compulsory. The course constitutes necessary preparation to the students’ enrolment to their University courses. Enrolment to Italian University degree courses cannot be obtained without the prior attainment of a certificate of CEFR level B1 (or higher) knowledge of Italian.
Chinese students will attend courses designed specifically for Chinese speakers. Once they have attained the required level of linguistic competence, students may be able to join the international groups, with students from all over the world. This will be at the tutors’ discretion.
The cost of the course includes
  • 1 Learning materials
  • 2 Welcome and tutoring. To help the Chinese students settle in Italy and in Turin, we will provide a Chinese-speaking tutor and an induction programme.
  • 3 Academic Induction. The school’s academic advisor will help and guide students in the preparation of the documents necessary to enrol for the university’s entry exams in those faculties that require them and to complete the matriculation and enrolment processes for the students’ chosen universities.
  • 4 Logistic and Administrative Assistance. This will be available to students from the reception staff throughout their stay.
  • 5 Free-time Activities. The school also offers many recreational; sport and entertainment activities aimed at helping the students integrate more easily at subsidised cost.
The cost of the course does not include
  • 1 Accommodation
  • 2 Airport pick-up service
  • 3 Bank charges
  • 4 Health insurance
  • 5 Enrolment fees for the CILS or AIL examinations


Wie beantrage ich ein Studienvisum? Weiterlesen: hier
Welche Prüfungen kann man bei CiaoItaly ablegen? Weiterlesen: hier
Wie bewerbe ich mich um ein Stipendium? Weiterlesen: hier
Wann beginnen die Anfängerkurse? Weiterlesen: hier

Über uns

  • sheIch habe die Abbey School in einer Turiner Tagesbar entdeckt. Ich war gerade auf der Suche nach einer Moeglichkeit mein nicht vorhandenes Italienisch aufzupolieren

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  • Hallo ich wollte mich Herzlich bei meiner Dozentin und auch Freundin Chiara Avidano und dem ganzem team bedanken.

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Besondere Kurse

Kulturelle Kurse
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Große Gruppen sind bei CiaoItaly herzlich willkommen. Weiterlesen: hier
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Entdecken Sie Turin in der Begleitung eines spezialisierten von CiaoItaly ausgesuchten Stadtführers! Weiterlesen: hier


Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di Torino